
Rape Rape

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Keep your legs closed, don't wear tights or short clothing, don't wear too much makeup, stay away from boys, well maybe if you didn't wear or look like that, that wouldn't have happened to you, or how about the famous line, "she/he wanted it"!!! When it comes down to Rape or sexual assault, it's as if it is taken lightly. Rape has developed as a joke. Where is the justice for these people? Yet I can understand why it is taken lightly, due to the fact many are falsely accused of rape when in reality it was out of spite or revenge from another individual. Rape is another word for sexual assault. Rape is also known as one of the worst crimes there is. Rape can also mean to plunder or strip something of resources. Rape didn't just occur, Rape has been something that's been done way back. From the medieval times to slavery to even today. It's an ongoing cycle that doesn't stop. With poor actions come with rough/tuff consequences. If you committed a crime, you have to do the time. As the years pass by so has the laws. The laws have changed over time. Before in the middle ages, people had harsh punishments for the crime they committed such as stealing, murder, lying, trespassing, and even Rape. According to the article " `A hue and a cry': Medieval rape imagery and its transformation" Diane Wolfthal stated, "Rape is notoriously difficult to prove; to convict a rapist, courts demand evidence other than a woman's word. According to biblical law, a rape victim must cry out during the

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