
Rate Of Photosynthesis Lab Report

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Luis Ordonez
Sabarinath Sundaram
Section 531
Biology Lab 111
External Environmental Factors and Rate of Photosynthesis Abstract- In the first experiment we tested to see the affects that light intensity had on the rate of photosynthesis by creating different environmental conditions.We had hypothesized that the tubes left in the most intense light would have a faster rate of photosynthesis. This experiment resulted in the inhibited rate of photosynthesis when the photosynthetic environment was kept in the dark and wrapped in foil, while the environments that were exposed to light had a gradually increasing rate of photosynthesis as the light intensity of the external environments increased. In the second experiment we tested for the …show more content…

In Tube 1, which was held in a dark environment and wrapped in foil, was seen to have almost no change in absorbance relative to the other tubes. The lack of fluctuation in absorbance is a result of very little photosynthesis taking place. Tube 2, which had the most intense light, saw the greatest drop in absorbance in the first 15 minutes. This relatively rapid change in absorbance is a result of photosynthesis occurring more rapidly in this tube than in the others. Tube 3 was put in a similar environment but with less light intensity than in Tube 1 and further away from the lamp than in Tube 1. Tube 3 showed exponential decrease in the first 15 minutes of the experiment but not as drastically as Tube 1. Tube 4 showed a great amount of change, much like the other light-exposed tubes, but because it received the lowest intensity of light, its drop was not as …show more content…

The disks exposed to the green light and to the dark showed the least change in oxygen level and therefore the lowest amount of of photosynthesis occurred. This is most likely due to the fact that the pigment in spinach plants reflect green light instead of absorbing it and going through photosynthesis, and in the dark environment there was no light for the plants to absorb. The beakers placed in the red and blue light showed a greater amount of change than the dark and green light beakers, but they showed a very small amount of change when compared to the beaker in the white light. The white light wavelength was the best for catalyzing

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