Jared Swiney University of Charleston PSYC 343 Dr. M. Spiker An Experiential Activity: Ego Defense Mechanisms (315 words) Due Date: 9/24/17 Rationalization and Sublimation Activity number one states to make my own definition for the words Rationalization and Sublimation. Rationalization is when you try to justify your behavior even if the reasons you’re giving don’t make any sense pertaining to the situation. When I was younger I used to do this. If I did something that I knew would upset my parents I would come up with some excuse to justify what I did even if I knew I was in the wrong. Sublimation is when you have an “urge” to do something hurtful or just negative and you turn that into something that is beneficial instead. I have done
The Activity Theory was originally an idea that was proposed by Lemon Bengtson &Peterson this proposal was seen to have a much more hopeful and positive view on ageing in comparison to the disengagement theory by Cumming and Henry. The activity theory suggests that as people get older their ageing process will be more successful if they maintain their roles and responsibilities as they did when they were younger this is if they
Activity Statement - Briefly explain (in 50-100 words), how you decided which activity was the most important to you.
“The engine that drives self-justification, the energy that produces the need to justify our actions and decisions—especially the wrong ones—is an unpleasant feeling the Festinger called “cognitive dissonance.” Cognitive dissonance is a state of tension that occurs when ever a person holds two cognitions (ideas, attitudes, beliefs, opinions) that are psychologically inconsistent, such as “Smoking is a dumb thing to do because it could kill me” and “I smoke two packs a day.” Dissonance produces mental discomfort, ranging from minor pangs to deep anguish.” (p.13)
Have you ever made a decision and later completely wonder why it is you made that decision? “Sway The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior” by Ori Brafman and Rom Brafman examine moments of our lives where we could easily be swayed. The Brafmans discuss topics like commitment and value attribution. With examples of what attracts us into making a bad decision. The brilliant authors make it easy to understand the analyzations of the situations. Where there is a possibility of being swayed. With proper analyzation we can prevent these situations from taking place again. Almost everyone has made a decision we misunderstand and behind that decision is an irresistible pull of irrational behavior. No one is perfect, and no one can avoid being swayed into an irrational situation, not even me.
Rather activities in which people are actively engaged frequently involves stress, danger, exertion, sorrow, for example writing a book, climbing a mountain, training for a marathon and so on. Susan, further said, that doing these things, there is something good about the feeling of engagement; especially, it makes one feel typically without thinking about it such as been alive.
You may like to play a particular sport regularly or go walking, cycling or running, for example. If you don’t do these kinds of things, you may have other interests that you enjoy such as a hobby or education or training courses (like this one!) or interests such as reading, socialising with friends or visiting new places. If you think about the things you do, you will realise that you are ‘active’ in many different ways. But do you think of the things that you do as learning or development activities? Sometimes it can be difficult to decide or identify what counts as learning and development activity.
Those activities were to volunteer and help watch some kids in a program. I learned lots of things in this program. One of the biggest things that I learned was to be patient. That is because without patience you will not help, but you will make things worse. A characteristic that I learned about myself while I was involved in the program was that I am very cooperative. I figured out that I am very good with communicating with little kids. This was very important for the program because if you didn’t have good communication skills, you would not be a good and helpful volunteer. I wanted to get involved in the program because I felt that it would be a good way to see how to help people. I also wanted to see the environment of helping people and what it takes to
Rather activities in which people are actively engaged frequently involves stress, danger, exertion, sorrow, for example writing a book, climbing a mountain, training for a marathon and so on. Susan, further said, that doing these things, there is something good about the feeling of engagement; especially, it makes one feel typically without thinking about it such as been alive.
The Routine Activities theory was developed by Lawrence Cohen and Marcus Felson and is derived from rational choice theory (Walsh & Hemmens, p. 122). Cohen and Felson claim that crime is the result of “(a) motivated offenders meeting (b) suitable targets that lack (c) capable guardians” (Walsh & Hemmens, p. 123). The Routine Activities theory is used to explain not only crime rates but also risk of victimization. It is closely related to Lifestyle theory and often combined with it.
For example, It’s apparently purposelessness there was no reason I had to run! I could have just continued jogging. I even started running voluntarily, I did not have to run, and in no way was I being forced to run. I did it on my own free will as a human. Oddly, running has an inherent attraction attached to it. I love the idea of running just breaking loose and passing things by as the world slowly start to blur around me. It felt like I broke through to another part of the world I could only see while running. It really does give you freedom from time because while you're running you can't stop to look at the time, so time it’s self can’t shackle you down and rule over you. Its kind of like time stopped. Usually, I am a pretty self conscious person which is given in since I am human. I believe that each time I step outside, I am being saliently judged. I have learned to cope with that, but that does not mean that I don’t fret over it sometimes. Exercising is an active that people judge about especially if you're outside where people can see. Though during my run my self conciseness just melted into the back of my mind. Anyways, engaging in play really opened up my ability for improvisational potential. During my play moment my brain started coming up with ideas about things. Ultimately, this active did inspire a continuing desire within me, every since then I have been running longer and more
The activity theory is when you will carry on with any activities or interests that you will have. This is to stay physically and mentally active. You may start to disengage with some things such as leaving job or leaving family however you will start new activities that you may have an interest in. A theory is an explanation or reason for that fact.
Activity Theory (AT) was initially developed by Leont’ev during the twentieth century in the former
I used the behavioral activation form to track daily activities and myself for several days. My daily behavior included going to class, eating, playing games on my phone, checking Facebook, sleeping, going to the library, studying and hanging out with friends. Some negative behaviors that were low on importance and enjoyment included eating junk food, buying fast foods, and playing games on my phone. Some positive behaviors included hanging out with family and friends. The life area I selected was mind, body, & spirituality, which is physical, emotional, or spiritual health. The value I selected was healthy and fit, which is very important to me. One positive activity that adheres to the chosen value and is relevant to the chosen life area
In beginning studies, it was shown that people developed deindividuation when presented with an opportunity
With this perspective, people are considered rational thinkers, and when a person commits a crime, the person is making a rational choice to engage in criminal behavior. If a person steals a purse, they have chosen to do so because of rational thought. The person could be envious, stealing a purse just for fun, or many other reasons. The real issue is that the person rationally decides to take the purse under the wrongful thinking that it will bring them some benefit, and this benefit is important to their own purposes. Crime occurs because people rationally weigh whether they will obtain a reward for committing a criminal act instead of being punished for the criminal act. It is ultimately decided by which one has the strongest pull on the individual.