
Reading And Writing Analysis

Decent Essays

Over the years reading and writing has impacted the lives of individuals in various, unique ways; for example, reading can be a pleasurable hobby for some, or writing could have an impact as life changing as driving one’s career in journalism. Reading and writing ultimately affects the majority of people, positive or negative, because it is incorporated in the majority of the daily tasks we encounter. Personally, reading and writing has been influential in my development as a person because it has offered challenges that I have had to over come as well as offering an escape from reality. Ever since I was a child, reading has been an important part of my daily routine because in order to succeed in life you have to first master the basics …show more content…

When I was a child before technology was at the touch of your fingers, I had a diary that I would write in everyday. It was a sacred place for me to put my most personal thoughts that were safe from the world. Whenever I encountered a confusing or challenging time in my life, I would go to my diary for therapy, it ended up becoming a successful coping strategy. Aside from assisting me in over coming challenges, writing also was a way for me to express my imagination. For example, when I was ten years old, my grandmother bought me a storybook that had partial excerpts from stories and it allowed me to fill in the blanks of the stories with my own alternate endings. The book had allowed me to create imagination and have creativity; it also taught me that it is okay to have a different ending to a story than someone else. This storybook ended up being one of my prized possessions, which I still have to this day. Every now and then, I still read the storybook to see how much I have developed as a writer. I believe it is important to continue to look back at the past in order to help myself continue to grow, I say this because when I look back at old journals and diaries I had wrote in, it helps me continue to stay positive about writing and see how much I have …show more content…

Freshman year was the hardest, I had never written a paper before; therefore, I had no idea what to expect or how to start it. I struggled with understanding specific formats needed in different types of papers. In addition, I also had difficult times with starting my paragraphs and how to transition from one to the other. From this experience, I learned that writing was time consuming, I also learned that you have to be aware of the subject you are writing about, and that you have research to have supporting details. Many people can say that I dread writing papers, this is because of how stressed I become. Personally, I am a perfectionist, which can be a set back while writing, this is because I overthink every sentence and it becomes more time consuming than what is needed. Moreover, another reason reading and writing has been difficult for me is because the stress of deadlines, and requirements of the papers; in instance, I am a procrastinator, I will wait till the week it is due and still have no clue what I am going to write about, in that case, this is what causes me to have stress. Although reading and writing have had negative impacts on me, I always try to see the positives in every

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