
Reality Check: Secular Humanism

Decent Essays

Secular Humanism
I begin by describing “Secular Humanists” as non-believers of God. A very different religion, yet it carries slight similarities to Christianity. “Donavon Flegeance” mentioned in his book “Reality Check”, that in every religion, people choose certain parts of the evolutionary theory to believe in. I agree with the author here because each religious belief is based off of the gradual development of how the world has come about from what has been perceived through each religion.
Humanists deny the idea that there ever was or is an existence of God. That particular religion strongly rely on “scientific theory”, which the central focus of human life amongst humanists is concentrated on man. Envisioning Humanism from a biblical …show more content…

Life came about with an intervention by man. In 1973, Paul Kurtz stated “no deity will save us, we must save ourselves”. In contrast, Christians believe in the teaching of the bible. “Life” has been created by God. (Genesis 1) God created the heavens and the earth. He created man and woman. Both Humanists and Christians are similar in a sense that they both have a central focus on how life began and mankind’s existence. They both seek to establish morals and principle.

The Question of Identity
To be human in the Secular Humanism religion carries no major significance. Humans being more important than animals is questionable because Humanism doesn’t make a comparison. In my viewpoint, if the world was evolutonized, then animals and humans carry the same significance, animals are just as important as humans. On the other hand, from a biblical worldview, humans are more important than animals. In Genesis 1:26 the bible states that God said to let humans have control over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and every creeping thing that creeps over the earth.

The Question of …show more content…

They do not believe in life after death, only in the physical world. The biblical worldview views the existence of mankind as an image of God, basing decisions made in life towards eternal life. In comparison both share that life is important.

The Question of Morality
Secular Humanists and the Christian worldview share that mankind exists due to the facts of the world. In comparison, humanist believe that whatever a person performs or the behavior of the individual, is based off of their own morals. There is no right or wrong. The biblical worldview puts emphasis on right and wrong and rely on the bible as a source to dictate the behavior. Wrongdoings by other others may even be corrected. Humanists would object to this.
The Question of Destiny
The biblical worldview believes that there is life after death. A time will come where the physical body will separate from the spiritual body and eternal life will be present. This belief is opposite of what is deceived by humanists. Life after death doesn’t exist, just as the existence of God does not exist. Both religions do believe in the physical

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