
Reasons For College Dropout

Decent Essays

The amount of academic work is one of the major factors in dropouts. Unfortunately, students are usually unprepared for the rigorous academic effort required for college. Some students get through high school with little or no studying. Therefore, they will face the bitter truth of being completely unprepared once they get to college. One of the underlying reasons for lack of preparation to college is the fact that students at high schools are deprived from being challenged. Many students take classes that do not push them to exceed college level bar. They take inconsiderable classes to avoid homework and any thinking process required for that. When the students attend college, the difficulty of the classes boggles them and their actual work performance decreases rapidly. The students sometimes expect the professors to babysit them and excuse their missing work or an unattended test. However, college professors expect students to read and learn on their own outside of class. If the students don’t this, their grades will decline. A semester of bad grades usually discourages some of the students and ultimately causes them to quit college. Another reason for college dropout is excessive partying and drug abuse. Freshman students sometimes get carried away with hanging out with friends and partying. They forget to work on their projects or study for a test and eventually realize their grades are slipping. Sooner or later, they start having too much fun and lose

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