
Reducing The Continuous Rise Of Health Care Costs

Better Essays

The continuous rise of health care costs has meant many companies turning toward health and wellness as a potential solution to save money: ‘research is showing that it’s more cost-effective to invest in preventive health practices, such as screenings, immunizations, health risk appraisals, behavioral coaching, and health awareness/education [and] best-practice research is demonstrating the total value of an integrated, population-based strategy that addresses the health needs of all employees, dependents, and retirees across the health care continuum’ (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 2009). Employers should balance providing wellness initiatives that address both lifestyle risk factors (such as physical activity, nutrition and stress) and clinical risk factors (such as obesity, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels). Both of these types of risk factors can be tied to the workplace environment, and both types of risk factors can be positively impacted with an environment that supports health and wellness. Top risk factors like physical activity and nutrition can be greatly supported by improving workplace environments to supplement the programming tied to these initiatives. However, wellness programming in the workplace faces many barriers: participation, acceptance, effective program design and sometimes even lack of support from company leaders. Success in workplace wellness programming means overcoming these barriers and turning wellness into an integral part of a

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