
Reflection Of Education : My Philosophy Of My Education

Satisfactory Essays

When I think back on my education, I remember learning a lot of information but sadly I have retained very little. I was trained and programmed by my teachers to be a functional student, but not a very thoughtful one. My education as a whole goes against everything that Paulo Freire believed in. He believed that an education should give students liberation, not anxiety attacks and standardized tests. I can now look back on past experiences and analyze them as Paulo would. My eyes are now open to the oppression that students face in our school system. This oppression leads to a tremendous amount of students that are unable to receive the rich and meaningful education that they deserve. An experience that I vividly remember was in the third grade. I was sitting at my desk and staring at my math test, tears running down my face and my hands on my lap. I was terrified that my teacher would see what I was doing, and that I would get in trouble. I was only in the third grade, and I was having a full-blown anxiety attack; all because I wasn't allowed to count on my fingers. If my teacher would have seen me, I would have been punished and further monitored. A majority of my educational experiences looked like this. I was forced to follow a lot of rules even though they negatively impacted my learning process. Paulo Freire would describe my situation as the classic oppressor and the oppressed dynamic. Looking back and analyzing this as if I were Freire, I have some serious concerns and questions. First off, why did my teacher not allow me to count on my fingers when it was the only way I personally understood? The only way she had taught me was through memorization. I simply was unable to grasp the number concept without a visual aid. There is now scientific evidence that it is beneficial to the child’s learning to count on fingers(Jo Boaler and Lang Chen). Every student is different and has their own way of learning. I, along with many others, did not fit the cookie cutter. As Freire states in The Pedagogy of the Oppressed, “ Looking at the past must only be a means of understanding more clearly what and who they are so that they can more wisely build the future”(84). Looking back, I realize that not a whole lot has

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