
Reflection Of Retreat

Decent Essays

Howdy friends, I just came back from a fantastic retreat with my young adult friends from Times Square Church. To say this retreat was great will be an understatement! It's amazing how God can alter one's plan for His purpose. My intention was just to go there and take a break from a hectic week from school and troubles of NYC. Didn't know that God had other plans for me. While on the bus to the venue of the retreat, I had a quiet moment with the Lord. My desire later changed from actually wanting to just have fun, to wanting a divine connection with the Lord. This retreat wouldn't be the first I would be attending, but I wanted this to be different from the other ones.

The theme of our retreat was IDENTITY, and it was what drew me to want to attend. Knowing who you are in Christ as I learned at the retreat, is important because so often, we let the world define us, instead of what God defines us. I AM A GIANT KILLER AND NOT A GRASSHOPPER! It is my prayer for this generation that we come to know who we are in Christ, especially now that we are living in the last days. During the preacher's sermon, he said something that had me thinking. He said, "until we define our relationship with God, we will always have problems with our friendships and relationships with others." I won't dwell on this, but you should think about that statement.

Still not content, I asked God to give me a word when I went to bed that night. I was expecting to get a revelation or something in the

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