
Reflection On Behavior Intervention

Decent Essays

I do not feel that I have sufficient data to make an informed decision on the effectiveness of this intervention for Adam. However, I would conclude that my attempt at a behavior intervention was unsuccessful. This was due to a variety of reasons. The foremost reason being to inconsistent application of the intervention. At times, weeks passed between trials. As we have learned, intervention is successful when it is implemented regularly.
It was unwise to set my intervention monitoring in an environment which I have no control over and for a small window of time, for a specific type of instruction. Instruction is not given at a set period of time, as I had thought when collecting my baseline data. Adam’s general education teacher often has them do individual work, then moves to whole-group instruction, at which point I need to leave. Furthermore, there are a great deal of holidays during autumn, so students were often participating in the arts, rather than math. These issues could have potentially been avoided if I had spoken to his general education teacher about her schedule, but I did not. Further consultation could have helped this project to be successful.
The token board may have not been the most appropriate intervention for what I was doing. I chose this intervention because both Adam and I are familiar with it. Further, I had planned to increase the duration overtime. My plan was, for the first week or two, I would have my student focus for one-minute

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