I teach Career Technical Education in a Title one high school for students who are in a credit recovery program, some with poor attendance and others that are struggling academically. Participating in the Kenan Fellows Program would grant me access to experience, tools and resources, which will increase my knowledge base. My goal is to incorporate this training into my lessons to connect and increase students’ enthusiasm for learning, thereby increasing student retention.
I believe an internship experience and an on-going relationship with an industry mentor would foster my passion for teaching. This would have a positive impact on student learning, enhance my leadership and instructional skills and contribute in the development of new resources. The internship experience would be a critical component to learning facilitation, as it would enable me to bring my career knowledge into the classroom, which would increase student exposure to “real world” learning.
Students will benefit from my Kenan fellowship experience because it will allow me to engage students in critical and project based approach, which will enable them to demonstrate skills such as teamwork
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BTLN convenes to collaborate on policy and pedagogical issues. BTLN holds monthly meetings to share resources, content and instructional skills with the other BTLN members. Utilizing the experience gained from the internship, I can become a liaison and present this knowledge to teachers, school, and district and state agencies (via Professional Development, coaching and mentorship). I would be honored to be part of a team that provides my colleagues with the expertise and experiences obtained from my Kenan Fellowship. I am confident that my colleagues would benefit from my experience because it will assist them with collaboration, introduction to new ways of teaching and provide a new approach to classroom
In my experience over my current internship at Aiken Elementary School this year has been very helpful. Mentoring a professional teacher gave me the experience of being able to mentor children. I am well prepared to make kindergarten students learn the alphabet and to help them build
Brighton High School needs to incorporate core subjects in classrooms other than those tested on core subjects. In order to ensure school-wide student achievement, Brighton High School will incorporate literacy and math in Career Technical Education (CTE) classes beginning the 2015-2016 school year. To ensure higher rates of success and accountability to the students, the mastery learning model would give teachers the necessary framework to articulate their understanding across the curriculum through the literacy and math integration (Henson, 2015). By using Leadership Team, aligned curriculum, and curriculum maps, teachers will be empowered to make the literacy and math integration successful. Previously, there has not been a
Mentoring KTIP interns and students teachers has allowed me to foster professional relationships to improve teaching and increase student learning. My coaching centers on building upon the mentee’s
I am a member of the Better Seeking Team at my elementary school. This committee is a leadership team responsible for driving decisions and changes in a positive direction. The National Institute for Urban School Improvement describes the school leadership team as “a school-based group of individuals who work to provide a strong organizational process for school renewal and improvements.” (2005, p. 2) As a member of this team, we recently attended the 2015 Model Schools Conference presented by the International Center for Leadership in Education. Bill Daggett, the founder and chairman of the ICLE, says its focus “has been devoted to observing, studying, and supporting the transformation of the nation’s most rapidly improving schools. The key to improving student performance is a tireless focus on providing rigorous and relevant instruction, and that every level of the education organization must be tightly aligned and carefully coordinated around that singular goal.” (n.d.) My professional goal for the coming school year is to implement the major aspects from one of the presentations our team deemed most significant at the conference, the Rigor/Relevance Framework for teaching in a twenty-first-century classroom.
Finally, there is a point to be made for the partnerships that are created in this program, specifically in student/youth and educator/mentor interactions. Considering there is surely an opportunity for “mentors” to pass along their expertise and knowledge in this collaborative environment, it should not be understated how valuable such positions are. In this case, the mentor helps one or more project teams find a project vision if they do not already have one, and then to help them realize that vision, and guide them along the way. They should be expected to pass on their knowledge of proper tool usage and safety measures while helping to show the importance of “failure as a means to success” is nurtured.
Athan and Mrs. Lommen our school counselor are an important asset. They both have a clear view on what needs to be accomplished by staff on a daily basis and what are budgetary restraints that each site has. Mrs. Athan and Mrs. Lommen are both data driven people and works towards the outcome. Both knows the staff and they know what are going to be obstacles with staff implementing project-based learning and which staff is going to implement it and embrace the change. They both are logical and critical thinker that will analyze all aspects of the implementation of project based learning and how it would be the best way to start implementation.
Today’s economy demands a better educated workforce than ever before, and jobs in this new economy require more complex knowledge and skills than the jobs of the past. The California Department of Education and the California State Board of Education are pleased to present the California Career Technical Education Framework for California Public Schools, Grades Seven through Twelve. The California Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards, Grades Seven Through Twelve, adopted by the State Board of Education (SBE) in 2005, was designed to help achieve that goal by providing educators with rigorous, balanced standards reflecting both the essential knowledge needed to achieve a seamless transition to careers or postsecondary education or training and the specific skills required for each of the state’s 58 career pathways.
This program provides a great opportunity to allow me to give back Kelley to and be more connected with Kelley. The opportunity for me to coach other people will be one of the most enhancing and practical experience I will have at Kelley.
Currently, I am a sophomore studying Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Nevada, Reno. As a college student, one of the most important aspect of my education career is to gain different kind of experiences from opportunities that are offer at the university. Personally, I believe that completing a paid, local internship can give students, such as myself, the chance to gain valuable work experience and build networks and connections, while applying knowledge and skills in real life settings. Every type of experiences that exist, such as internships, offer me the chance to enhance my strengths, understand the world around me, and to push myself in continuing to develop as an individual to become successful in life. For example, I was selected as an art intern for the Summer Business Institute Program in Summer 2014. Throughout the eight weeks of exploring to arts, I had an opportunity to work with a team of artists to create a mural and an art piece for two local community centers in Las Vegas as well as organizing a civil engagement project for a neighborhood that have families who are in need of financial aid. As a result, we were thanked by the families to sponsor an event for their children to enjoy art for a day. Reflecting back on
At this particular moment in my life, I can relate to the program accreditation evaluation model. The accreditation model is known as the oldest of the evaluation models (Sheperis, Young, & Daniels, 2010, p. 179). I am your nontraditional educator. I did not go to college to become a teacher. I earned a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology/Computer Integrated Manufacturing. I completed an alternative teacher certification program to gained Texas teacher certification in Technology Education 6-12. I do not teach in a critical need area like Math, Science, ESL, or Special Education. My academic content is Career and Technical Education. With the accreditation evaluation model, prospective members gain entry into a profession by completing
This report will provide the history of career technical education in the United States and relevance of legislative actions, laws, acts and policies beginning as early as the 18th century and continuing through current-day society. Chronologically documented, the primary focus is on the Carl D. Perkins Career Technical Education 2006, its origin, issues and effects of each amendment that led to important federal government legislations. For an understanding of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education 2006 Act, an introduction section will provide information on amended acts, laws, and policies that led to the present act and career technical education. Other sections will discuss time periods of local and national legislation changes in the Carl D. Perkins Act, how they affect the present and future of career and technical education. A brief conclusion of the entire research to include summary findings and references.
This essay will start by defining mentoring, and giving a brief understanding of mentoring. This essay will then go on to identify and evaluate a number of key factors that may influence the effectiveness of a mentoring relationship. This essay will focus on the example of mentoring within schools and a learning mentor to be more specific.
a. My interviewing skills have come to help me know my mentor (Harriet Kulakoff) as a person because they allowed me to engage with her in conversation not only about her thoughts on healthy aging but to explore some of her interests such as playing tennis and golf or going swimming. Throughout the interview, building off the questions asked by my team members I was also able to illicit her opinion about varying issues including the use of social media and gain her thought on the younger generation and what we can do to support each other as we age as well as become more engaged with each other in light of our seeming dependence on social media. It was an enriching experience to listen to my mentor and having the right interviewing skills to ensure that both she, myself and my team members were comfortable and engaged aided in us having a successful and productive interview.
I see students as the next generations’ heroes in so many fields. In my vision, I have to inspire students and prepare them with confidence, knowledge, experience and skills. Which means I encourage, communicate, guide, teach, and assess students in order to enrich their infrastructures.
This internship opened many doors leading to my future. This would not only help me academically and financially, but would also provide me with