
Reflection On Flipped Learning

Decent Essays

In Chapter 2 Ohler articulates some excellent categories that define how teachers think about digital stories. Review the qualities he describes in "Category 1: Story Type, Purpose, or Impact" and describe a classroom project or learning experience you are familiar with that made good use of one or more of these qualities in creating good learning.
I have always been a huge advocate of flipped and hybrid learning in the classroom when it is applied in a meaningful and strategic way. Over the course of the past three years, I have created well over 100 content videos for my students to view as supplemental resources on my YouTube channel ( In addition, I have spoken at a bunch of conferences (ISTE, PETE&C, NCTM, …show more content…

Not to mention, I was really boring when I first started out! I address this evolution of my video creation skills in my Flipping 1.0 to 3.0 section of The Flipping Philosophy. What I realized was that I was slowly transitioning and moving along the continuum of reporting to storytelling as I created more and more videos. With that being said, there were a lot of key points that Ohler brought up that have me thinking of revamping my videos even more. Genre and story type were two other pieces that resonated with me as well. I never really considered these two aspects when creating or assessing videos since we are in a math classroom. Now that I read about story type in more detail, especially when Ohler states “thinking about project requirements in terms of metaphor or genre can help teachers focus on the best way for students to approach a story for digital production. Having students identify a metaphor or genre in the planning stages of story development provides a handy metric for teachers to use to help students stay on track.” I have taught AP Statistics for the past 2 years and prob/stats for the past 3. Every single class will tell you that our Visual Statistics project was their favorite assignment throughout the entire course. The I started the visual stats project two years ago as a culminating project. Students were given two weeks to pick a topic of interest that had some depth to it. Some example project concepts

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