
Reflection On Gestalt Theory

Decent Essays

The CSI guest speaker presentation focused on Gestalt theory. The speaker was very knowledgeable with Gestalt theory and facilitating the use of it in her counseling career. Gestalt’s qualities are expressed by Kohler’s observations that the whole is more than the sum of the parts and that the whole can be transposed without change of pattern (Darsono, 1970). During the speaker presentation participants were involved in dialogue with one another, answering questions, and involved in a variety of activities. This was a complete change than a typical speaker who would be going off of power point slides and not well engaged with the audience. The speaker was very involved and allowed free thinking and opportunities to speak up or not participate if the individual did not want to. The speaker discussed Gestalt theory, the use of it in therapy, and her background with Gestalt. She was very insightful and knowledgeable about the topic which made the time fly. After giving insight and information about Gestalt, the speaker engaged the audience with a variety of activities. This allowed most individuals to work together and create things with pipe cleaners all while not verbally communicating with others they were working with. This showed that people tend to just go along with others, a leader is established, and that when more people are involved the less clear a message or design will be. Working alone during this activity, an individual was able to have a clear and obvious

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