
Reflection On Group Reflection

Good Essays

Group Reflection
Renae Van Der Linden
Roberts Wesleyan College Group Reflection When leading a group, it is important to understand what the overall goal should be, as well as understanding what the group expectations are. Knowing what the group goals and expectations are provides a basic outline of what the group dynamic should be. Additionally, the goals and group expectations should be discussed with the group members, providing the opportunity to share their input and possibly even make changes to what the facilitator believes the group goal(s) or expectations should be.
The goal for the psychoeducational group based on mindfulness was to: define mindfulness, share various mindfulness skills, discuss the applicability of mindfulness, and practice a few of the mindfulness skills. Aside from these goals, which were created for the specific group session that was led in class, there are also goals of psychoeducation as a whole. The purpose of psychoeducation is to share information with group members about a particular topic. Related to that topic, skills should be built upon. Psychoeducation not only provides group members to share their personal experiences related to the group’s topic, but also to teach the group members how to create their own support system outside of the group (Corey, 2016).
Overall, I felt as though the goals of the group on mindfulness were accomplished, as well as the goals of psychoeducation as a whole. Whitney and I were able to share information on mindfulness with the class, which included the definition, skills, applicability, and examples of mindfulness, encompassing the goal for the particular session that was led. Furthermore, I felt as though the group members were able to share their personal experiences related to mindfulness and were even able to create their own techniques and skills that can be implemented to reach the desired goal of mindfulness in their personal lives.
Even though a few group members openly shared what they like to do to stay mindful, one way to engage the group a little more would have been to go around and ask members to share, if they felt comfortable, what they like to do to attain mindfulness. Opening this door to the conversation

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