
Reflection On Learning How To Create Safe And Supportive

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Reflection on Learning how to Create Safe and Supportive Classroom Natasa Milunovic American College of Education Several different topics were covered in Creating Safe and Supportive Classroom course. There were few topics that stood out for me such as: Positive Behavior Support System (PBSS), classroom management and discipline, and the importance of teaching social-emotional skills. The most important elements of each topic will be discussed in this paper. Classroom discipline and behaviour management in an individual classroom can be greatly influenced by what is happening at the grade and building levels. First of all, let’s talk about the key factors of PBSS and how they can impact implementation of it. One of the key …show more content…

My school has not implemented PBSS and I believe that having Behavioral Matrix developed and implemented would be really beneficial for the whole school. All staff needs to be accountable and consistent in following school-wide expectations and then after teaching students those expectations we can hold them accountable. Like Knoff suggested that creating Behavioral Matrix collaboratively, it eliminates the dilemmas that occur when 1.teachers have different behavioural set of standards, 2.teachers have different set of standards for different group of students or even individual students, 3.students are expected to change their behaviour to all of these differences (2008,p.9). Having said that, it is necessary that all staff knows and follows clearly defined school-wide expectations, reward system and consequences in order to have school-wide accountability and consistency. Instructional environment (i.e., teacher and instruction in the classroom, academic and social skills curriculum, and the individual characteristics of the students) can influence effective classroom discipline and behavioral management. Organization and good classroom management are very important factors that can increase students’ academic success. According to Emmer and Stough good behaviour management does not guarantee effective instruction, however highly-effective instruction can reduce behavioural problems (as cited in Oliver & Reschly, 2007, p.1). In order to minimize

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