
Reflection On The Culture Of My Future Career

Decent Essays

The Culture of My Future Career Jillian Roda SPF 301 Arizona State University Fall 2017 The Culture of My Future Career For this assignment, I will analyze and reflect on the culture of my possible future career as a 2nd grade teacher. I will likely teach in my hometown of Stockton, CA. In this reflection, I will explore the elements of my future relationships as a teacher, the routines in my future career, the environment of my future career, the materials and clothing involved, and the language of my future career. First, the relationships in my future career will revolve mostly around my students. Teachers see their students five days per week in most cases, usually for six hours at a time. Teachers are supposed to be responsible adults young people can trust with their safety, but also to believe in them when others don’t and to always push them to be their personal best. Therefore, it’s important for a teacher to hard work to create healthy relationships with each individual student to create a positive learning environment. In addition to student relationships, it’s in the students’ best interest for a teacher to reach out and create bonds with parents and families so that parents can better support their children as learners and continue the wholesome school environment at home. Finally, teachers can hope to achieve professional relationships with other teachers and faculty at the school site. This can be beneficial, as it can open up collaboration and

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