
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

“He is our Redeemer, our Rock, our Comfort, a Father to the fatherless…” A guest speaker at church camp stopped in the middle of his sermon on Matthew 18 and began listing some of the attributes of God and what He is for His children. I had lost my father two years before that, and had practically given up on my faith, constantly thinking “If God really loved me, why would he have taken my dad away from me?” The speaker’s words floored me. They stopped me cold. I found myself falling towards the altar to pray to the Lord who I had so blatantly been rejecting. I needed a father, and He reminded me that I have a Father; a heavenly and eternal Father. The Lord is loving and beyond faithful to his children. He forgives us for our mistakes, which I have made plenty of, and continues to provide for us. I’ve been stunned over and over again by His faithfulness and provision. When I thought there was no way I would ever raise the four thousand dollars needed for my mission trip, He provided support from many of his faithful followers. I believe that God knows what is best for us, and He is a personal God. He is three in one, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There is nothing more personal than having the Holy Spirit within us. He cares about us and will listen to all our concerns and worries, just to remind us that He has it covered. I believe it is important to talk to the Lord as a Father, a Savior, and also a friend. Remember to praise Him and worship Him, and remember

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