
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

During my previous English courses, I learned to recognize and rectify my largest problem area. While understanding what I have read has never been a struggle of mine, writing was a different story. Structural organization is crucial for any good writing, and was an issue I struggled with immensely, that is until I learned that the more detailed I was the better I wrote. Learning to effectively organize, such as creating detailed outlines, has improved my ability to read and write, which is a skill I know I will need in my future career as a funeral worker.
Before my previous English 1 class, I had never performed any significant writing. On paper, my thoughts were a jumbled mess, despite knowing in my mind what I wanted to convey. During my English 1 course, I quickly learned that organization is key. Many people work in many different ways, some people prefer the wiggle room that loose outlines and simple notes permit, I, however, do not. For me, detailed is the best option. With loose planning, there was too much open space for my ideas to swim in all directions, and I wasted time and energy as I tried to reel them in. Instead, I focus on catching all the fish before I begin. My first step is always to make an outline. In fact, I do not even consider writing until my outline is complete. Outlines are like blueprints for any type of writing, and the more detailed the blueprint the closer to my thoughts my writing will be. In my outlines, I try to include as much

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