I view my role as a counselor as the person who is there to help but I do not know everything. I have the skills and knowledge to structure the sessions and guide the client in the process of bettering themselves but I cannot explain to the client their personal logic. I cannot speak for how they feel because they have their own cognitive processes. Before beginning therapy, I would meet with the client to explain to them my personal beliefs and my role for therapy. Using the approach of REBT, I will be direct and confrontational but I want to ensure the client that we will be working collaboratively. Yes I will correct them and tell them what to do, but it will be planned and communicated with client. They can say no at any time and disagree with me. I am not an authoritarian figure. I also want to assure the client that I am not perfect. I am human and it is human nature to make mistakes, it is okay to make mistakes for they serve as learning and means of bettering ourselves. By making myself not seem like an all knowing perfect being, the client can relate with me as a peer and begin to dispute irrational beliefs and accept that mistakes do not make them a terrible person. If I see the client struggles to cope with mistakes, I will reveal some personal mistakes of my own to help them feel more comfortable around me. I am a warm hearted person and so using REBT would challenge me to not be too warm with the client. It could be counterproductive in creating a dependence
Ms. Payne has not had any follow up appointment this reporting period. She has attended counseling appointment’s to talk about her anxiety and panic related to the accident. She felt she will be done with her counseling soon. Physical therapy has been completed for the shoulder, the knee and she has a home exercise program. She also has completed using attendant care for assistance with bathing and light house work. I anticipate that this file is close to
The American Counseling Association (ACA) offers memberships for Mental Health professionals ranging from students and private practice to the retired professional who wants to remain connected with other professionals. The price of membership is $96 for the student, recently graduated, and retired and $171 for regular members, agency counselors, private practice, and counseling educators. Some of the benefits the ACA has to offer are several types of insurance, ranging from liability insurance to protect you in your practice whether it is for a private practice or if you are working at an agency for someone else. The ACA can also help you with insurance for your home, auto, dental, long term care, and disability insurance. There are also several other services where as a member you can obtain a member discount rates on some medical procedures such as labs, and imaging services, having prescriptions filled, hotels, travel, rental cars just to list as few. The best perk yet is the networking circle you have become a part of, get to know others in the counseling
This theory focuses on the integration of Biblical principles by combining several aspects of major theories to provide the best treatment for clients. This theory also discusses the nature and need of man as well as the most important factors in determining the health and/or dysfunction of man. This theory provides a detailed process of intervention based on several major theories, while using Scripture as a basis for each method. Overall, this theory focuses on the importance of the client’s role in therapy. Ultimately, through the combined theories and integration of Scripture, it is up to the client to apply these methods. As a result of that application, with guidance from
Appropriate counseling was given to each patient according to their diagnosis and medications, and to promote their maximum health wellness. As you can see, correlations are shown through top 10 FNP counseling and top 10 medications. From top 10 medications of SSRI, cholesterol, and anticoagulants, I tried to educate patients with coping skills with situation for anxiety/depression, with healthy diet to promote their wellness, managing diabetes and hypertension with healthy diet and
My counseling theory is that even though human beings have the need for approval or longing of someone else to bring substantial meaning in their life, they are not by any means validated by any one person or situation because you focus on the present and future and make the most of your circumstance. I experienced that in my childhood every time I saw my mother and father arguing and later I would hear from her what exactly happened between them. I remember thinking to myself that why would someone stay in an abusive situation or at least not stand up for themselves. I concluded that she needed to be validated by the relationship and for her to leave the relationship or stand up for herself would mean to defy her husband, church, and God.
I plan on going into the School Counseling field, so for my interview I went to a long time family friend Kay Weems. Kay is a school counselor currently at Madison Station Elementary, but she has 19 years of experience at different levels of education in counseling and in different environments as well. She also was an elementary teacher for 10 years prior to becoming a school counselor.
The nature of therapist-client relationship and understanding the therapist’s role is vital in making sure that the client’s rights are not jeopardized. The client must be willing to trust the therapist. The therapist can earn the trust of the client will confidentiality guidelines that are established by requiring informed consent. The therapist-client relationship is based on counseling approach as well as relationship with the client. The therapist’s role is to understand the client’s needs, help them get their needs met mentally, and to develop the proper plan that fits the client’s needs. The therapist must fully
This means to respect, understand, and accept the client’s perception this accomplishes via reflective listening. Developing discrepancies helps gap between the client’s current status and long –term goals/values. This helps cultivate motivation for change and when the client sees the “gap” between their current behavior and their long – term goals change is more likely to happen. A counselor should roll with resistance and avoid confrontation, identify the barriers and empathesize autonomy. This is where we use new perspectives but try to avoid arguments and confrontation. Then support self – efficacy to increase a client’s self – confidence under difficult circumstances. To help the clients the counselor should reaffirm past success and use verbal
As a counseling student, it is very important to formulate a counseling theory tailored to ones’ own personality and beliefs. A counselor may choose a single theory to model when practicing therapy or pick and choose components and techniques from various theories, otherwise known as eclecticism. No theory is considered right or wrong. Understanding the different therapeutic approaches are important to effective counseling, however, counselors must also understand their own personal value, view of human nature, human behavior, counseling techniques and the purpose and goals of counseling. Understanding these components along with the different theoretical approaches will provide the counselor with a 9 knowledge of their own counseling, orientation and is essential to not only the productivity of counseling but the growth of the counselor as well.
Counselling sessions can help us work through a range of personal issues from everyday hardships to potentially life threatening situations. In this reflective essay I propose to put theory to practice by analysing and reflecting upon a one hour session with a professional counsellor. The session is to be recorded so I can refer to particular instances during the session.
Instead, the counsellor’s role is to provide an atmosphere in which the client, through the exploration of her situation, comes to see herself and her reactions more clearly and accept her attitudes more fully.
This paper explores my counseling theory. It looks at the way I view human nature and the development of personality through the lens of an elementary school counselor. This paper looks at the development of psychopathology and the goals of therapy using fundamental cognitive behavioral theory (CBT) and techniques used in CBT and person centered therapy (PCT). Researched is used to advocate for my use of child center play therapy (CCPT) along with taking a look at reality therapy (RT) for use with the older elementary students . I conclude with a look at spiritual influences on my future counseling career. Throughout the paper I reference the American School Counselors Association (ASCA) and its national model to help tie in the theories and practices with the guidelines of being a school counselor.
They should listen and understand how things are from the client’s point of view. The therapists is expected to maintain a genuine human relationship to provide unconditional positive regard for Kai. This demonstrates the therapist’s faith in clients and support of the process. The therapist should develop an accurate empathic understanding of the client, conveying that understanding to the person, and working with him to expand and clarify the understanding and its impact on the client's choices and actions. In order to help the client to reach a state of congruence (a match between self-concept and reality; for people to see themselves as they actually are).The therapist does not attempt to change the client's thinking in any way. The therapist merely facilitates self-actualization by providing a comfortable environment for clients to freely engage in focused, in-depth self-exploration. The therapist's attitude is more important than the therapist's skills. According to client-centered therapy, there are three therapist attitudes that determine the level of success of therapy: (1) genuineness, (2) unconditional positive regard, and (3) empathy. The therapist should create a climate that is conducive to the client opening up and being themselves and foster an egalitarian
The client was a young female who was having difficulty with the fact that she and her cousin were no longer as close as they once were. Her cousin is still caught up in the party scene, whereas Tara has settled down and has a son to take care of. Tara and her cousin used to be very close, and around high school they began to go their own ways. Tara and her cousin used to share everything and split everything. It was like they were sisters because they always had matching clothes. Her present problem is that they are no longer close and she really wants her cousin to be there in her son’s life. She feels left out because her cousin is always partying and she feels rejected that she is not asked to hang out with her cousin even if she days “no”. Some of the possible solutions that I saw were having a meeting with her cousin to discuss how they each feel and hopefully reach an agreement. Another potential solution would be to just cut her cousin out of the picture because she feels like it is not worth the effort anymore to fight this constant battle and she feels like it is not worth the effort.
The duties of a counselor are a very rewarding, however, chronically assisting clients with their burdens may take its toll. Additionally, it is extremely important that you take inventory of your personal traits before assuming the mantel of a counselor because there are essential qualities required of a counselor. As I hope to become a counselor one day soon, I took the personal quality inventory located in chapter 1 of, “Introduction to Counseling” to see how I stand today (Kottler, 2015.) It was a very thought provoking process and I found a few areas should maintain and others that I must improve.