
Reflection Paper On Final Thinking

Good Essays

Coming into this course, I really did not know what to expect. It was second class on my first day of classes at college. I was not sure what exactly we would do and learn in class. The first thing we talked about in this course was what kind of class do we want it to be. We gave a lot of topics to the professor, but the one that stuck to me was the word creative. Professor Cathey told us to use our creativity for every assignment and every discussion we will ever have in this class. The word creative stuck to me ever since this day as I am writing to you after all the assignments and discussions we had for this course. In my opinion, I feel like I accomplished this goal and learn even more about myself. My final poster for this course went very well in my opinion. I tried very hard to come up with a question that fits me and can relate to others. Some things that worked for me was actually coming up with a question. My question, “Why are new members joining fraternities knowing hazing still occurs,” was pretty tough to come up with because I had a lot of trouble pinpointing on one question for the subject of hazing. I believe the thing that worked for me was coming up with the lenses for this questions. There is a lot of information for hazing from many different viewpoints, so it was simple to find out details for each lense. However, during this project I find out some particular things that did not work out quite well. Trying to talk about the background and the

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