
Reflection Paper On Teacher 2

Decent Essays

provided by ELI. On the 11 September 2013, the second observation took place in Teacher 1's class at 8:20 am (see appendix D1). Teacher 1 briefly introduces me to the students as a teacher/researcher and tell me to sit anywhere I want. I choose an empty chair among the students. I did this in every class I observed. The total numbers of students present were 21 in total. The lesson started by an Islamic greeting, and students were told to take their places and be quiet. The teacher gives no introduction to the lesson, but rather jumps into a “fill in the blanks” activity for writing practice. Students are quiet and passive and only respond when asked upon. The teacher gives no praise for correct answer, nor gives a chance for students who …show more content…

Like the previous class, Teacher 1 and Teacher 2 follow the same controlled composition type of teaching writing approach wherein grammar is taught. When Teacher 2 calls upon students who do not raise their hands to answer, they seem embarrassed, uncomfortable with having to answer, because they do not know how to answer. This was an uncomfortable moment for me as an observer in the class because I felt the students were shy and ashamed of not knowing the correct answer. The teacher spoke in a loud voice too, which made the situation more uneasy for the students. At that point of the observation, I thanked the teacher and left the class. For the second observation in level 102, Teacher 4 had 26 students in her class. This class was different to the other three classes in terms of the seating. Students were seated in a U-Shape. Again, the class is quiet, and the teacher instead asks the students what are the different kinds of writing as an introduction to how to write according to the medium of writing. She tackles this topic to draw their attention to the use of abbreviations and capitalization. Students, like in the other classes, were reluctant to participate. The teacher then “gives the students 5 minutes to write 6 things they did yesterday. Students start to take out papers and

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