
Reflective Essay About Physical Education

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"Physical education and health are the most essential classes because they are the only ones capable of lengthening one's life through establishing habits of healthy living." Upon overhearing my high school gym and health teacher state this, I began to consider how the statement relates to my identity as an athlete. Also, I smiled and thought to myself, "I can't wait to tell my mom what he just said! Now I can support my love for gym class and dreadful attitude toward other courses." Throughout my life, the term "athletic" consistently has been used to describe me. From the age of seven to thirteen, my brothers and I attended a summer camp, called Crossroads. Incorporated within the eight-hour day was snack time, choice time, lunch time, a biblical lesson, song singing, small groups, and a sports session. Before the day officially began, during choice time, and the sports session, I delighted in playing sports and competing alongside peers and counselors. At the end of our last ever day of camp, the counselors held an impromptu graduation where they handed out some awards and displayed their gratitude for witnessing our growth and contributions over the years. "Jake Veenstra", called out one of the head counselors. Shocked and bashful, I slowly walked up to the stage confused by what I was recognized for while my face quickly transformed into deeper tones of red. Eventually, I made it up to the stage and read the award. "Most Versatile Athlete." I thought to myself, "I

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