
Reflective Essay For College

Decent Essays

I have learned various things during my academic career that have been extremely useful in my non-academic career. I honestly feel that I have grown in many different areas especially in my oral communication and media technology. During the summer I volunteered as a Volunteer Youth Coordinator at Northern Illinois Food Bank. I completed various tasks and projects that included, organizing programs and event, creating flyers and advertisements, internal blogging, data tracking, and conducting orientations. I was lucky to be able to do such a good job that they offered me an internship during this current school year as a Volunteer Engagement Intern. This would have not been possible if I did not push myself in school and learn all those different key skills. I am very thankful that I can say I have come a long way from where I was years ago.
I am a natural shy person depending on the situation. In high school I never worried much about it since the people in my classes were the same from previous years. Once I transitioned to college I became really reserved since I worked and went to school full time. I felt like I did not have time to socialize or become invested in anything other than my school work, which made my oral communication suffer. After the first year …show more content…

During my time at Waubonseee I wrote mostly MLA style papers that covered and expanded the general studies I learned in high school. Once I transition to Aurora University, that’s where I began to focus on APA style and was able to produce writing content that focused on major humanitarian issues. I have been able to focus more on analytical and scholarly writing during my time at Aurora University, which has given me the freedom to invest my time in political issues that I am passionate about. I still have trouble when it comes to proper structure and grammar spelling but luckily there is outside help that I can always count

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