
Reflective Essay On Artifact

Decent Essays

Description: What is/are the artifact(s)? My artifact is a welcome letter used during my summer practicum experience, and a journal used during my student teaching experience. The welcome letter introduces my students’ family to my classroom. The letter also alerts families about what students will be learning during the summer program as well as some requirements of the program such as, a nut free lunch. The journal states my experience during report conferences. Interpretation: Provide a rationale for choosing the artifact(s) The welcome letter shows how I communicated with the families at the beginning of the summer program. The letter mentions how I will continue to communicate with the families throughout the summer through a daily note. In the daily note, I will give provide families with a description of what occurred that day and how their child behaved. In the letter, I give families some requirements of the program such as, a nut free lunch. The letter also provides some suggestions such as, applying sunscreen/bug spray before coming into the school, having an extra …show more content…

The journal explains how I had the opportunity to interact with families during report conferences. I meet with half of the students’ families and I provided input on their child’s progress. I also demonstrated how students have progressed and what they have been working on by creating a portfolio for each of the students. The report card conference was a chance to connect home and school life. The journal explains how there was a mutual respect among the teaching staffs and the families. The journal shows the importance of collaborating with families because of the huge impact families have on student learning. The journal also mentions how I played an active role in helping my cooperating teacher and other staff choose students for several awards for the first marking

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