
Growing Up In Australia Essay

Decent Essays

Growing up Asian in an area largely dominated by white Australians, has affected my personality and view on the world around me. I discovered what race was when I was in grade 1 and from that day on, I have always felt a sense of alienation and difference. As a child all I wanted was to blend into the norm, to fit in, to be white. My voice began to mimic the other kids voices, my lunches strictly did not contain any “weird” food and anything “strange” or “abnormal” things I did at home must be kept a secret. This act soon dissolved into my identity, I stared to see myself like one of them, Australian. However, as I began to become more “Australian”, my own sense of culture hindered. I soon found myself torn between two cultures, and in some ways robbed of my culture, due to social assimilation. This feeling of …show more content…

Applying this theory to POC living in Australia this can be true to a certain extent. In my series I want to explore this belief and to question what does it mean to be Australian for a POC. Feelings of alienation, difference and isolation are themes, which I aim to communicate across, through portraiture of three POC females. Influenced by Alice Pung’s novel ‘Growing up in Australia’, I also want to curate three POC females stories and incorporate a sound installation, in order to let their stories to be heard. Like in Tseng Kwong Chi’s series ‘East meets west’, I am also very concerned with the act of dressing up and the use of symbolical clothing. Anne Zahalka’s artwork ‘The New bathers’ also explores this idea of dressing up and contrasting two cultures. For my series, influenced by these two artists, I also want to explore the concept of dressing up and using costumes/clothing to communicate themes of culture and separation. Whether this is through using iconic Australian clothing such as cork hat or Australian souvenir

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