
Reflective Introduction To Cinema

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The larger majority of the Introduction to Cinema 2366 course was viewing films. Subsequently, the films we viewed in the class have affected me in four “gifts of the humanities.” As a student, my interests have developed around the social issues of classism and racism in America. Therefore, the course has given me food for thought via films which tackle social issues causing me to rethink the ways I understand these issues as well as understand film rhetoric to gain a deeper knowledge of how society understood these problems. Cinema also allows viewers to gain a sense of the past, this is especially true of the course since the films we’ve watched were opened 1959 or before. In this way, I have been able to understand historical events (such as the dust bowl, the great depression, and the red scare) through characters who are relatable, causing me to understand that though time and geography may differ between me and these characters, there exist timeless truths of humanity. The course has also allowed me to extend myself intellectually. Before enrolling in this course, I had little knowledge about cinema and its place in our society. The course has provided me with a new-found appreciation for the art of film which is an important subject in academia rather than “just an elective.” Lastly, I have realized the idea of “the infinite person,” via this film course. Through the films viewed in class, I have found myself relating to characters I regularly would not have. For

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