
Relations Between China And The United States

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The relations between China and the United States have considerably evolved since the end of the two Wars, and especially since 1978, when Deng Xiaoping gained a de facto leading position in China, taking the country out of isolation and introducing it to modernity and globalization. Since then, China and the United States have undergone through periods of antagonism and collaboration. After a long era in which the US dominated the international system as a hegemonic power, China started to rise and to gain more and more importance and influence, especially in the global economy. According to the International Monetary Fund, the US is still the country with the highest level of GDP, followed by the European Union and China. However, the facts that China is as the second largest economy in the world, as the World Bank’s estimation demonstrates, and that it is the main actor in East Asia, are all sources of alarm for the US, which assists to its hegemony being compromised by China’s rise. In particular, the US is very much engaged in trying to prevent and delay the ascendance of the Chinese power in the international system, which has seen China getting involved in new global challenges – climate change, international security, protection of human rights, etc. – and has caused the emergence of new issues such as the South China Sea dispute or the contrast between the TPP and OBOR initiative, as well as cooperative agreements between the two super powers, such as the expansion

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