
Relationship Between Physical Activity, Exercise and Health

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Physical Education Critically discuss the relationship between physical activity, exercise and health and what whey means for society? Councils such as north shore city and Auckland promote being healthy and active on there websites. They encourage the community to get out there and become physically fit and active in the greater community. Also adverts on television such as push play ads, alcohol ads and depression ads help to inform the community about health and the effects that health has on people and there friends and family. Health has a big effect on the society and the community, getting out there and using the facility’s provided are the best opportunities to get out and meet new people …show more content…

The most recognizable and known advertisement about physical activity is push play. Push play is a campaign that’s been set up to inspire New Zealanders to become more active and to integrate physical activity into their everyday activities such as talking the stairs instead of the escalator. These ads were aimed towards woman aged between 25 – 50 because these women are usually inactive. But along he way trying to get all of New Zealand active. Using well know rugby players such as Tana Umaga to promote the campaign would inspire people to get onboard because they know that people like him are physically fit and put in the hard yards to do so. The push play ads have had many different ideas behind them from 2008 “feel greatness” campaign to 2006 “push play nation” and 2007 and 2008’s “push play parents. Using many different techniques and ideas they have tried to get New Zealand to be a physically fit and healthy nation. Other adverts such as the depression adverts this is showing the viewers of NZ that its ok to be depressed, as some of the every well-known New Zealanders like John Kirwan have suffered it to. With help and support of your family you can to get through it. These types of advertisements are showing you there are different types of health out there and to be healthy you have to have a good mental state of mind. The use of television, billboards, radio, magazines, local press, websites and adshels are the main forms of promotional

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