
Religion And Gender : Religion

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Religion and Gender

Gender is a topic of much concern in Religion, especially in the Catholic Church. There is a reason why certain ideas exist in humanity and in our everyday life. These ideas keep order in how religion interprets gender roles. Religion has played a huge role throughout human history because humans try to find a protection in it, but there are also certain concepts such as gender roles that don’t let women, or men in some religions, exceed into their beliefs. I am completely Catholic, and I have seen how human beings tend to separate genders just because it looks nice in their tradition. Throughout the time I have lived here on earth, I have learned one thing, and it is that each gender does have a certain role to play in their own religion. All of my family comes from Venezuela, including myself, and there we all grew to be Catholics. While coming to this country, we all brought some of the traditions that we had back in Venezuela. Most of these traditions had to do with religion, and we have tried to pass it on to the younger generations of our family. We would go to Church every Sunday, as a tradition we adopted back in our country. However, I have realized that in my religion, there are gender roles that have been naturally implanted into the way we commemorate our Catholicism. There are some details that have been somewhat different in my family. Ever since I was young, I only saw the women in my family, my Mom and my sisters that actually

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