
Required Parent Classes

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Becoming a parent can be scary, especially if it’s your first time and you have no idea what you’re doing. Kai Fernandez states that “before they can be discharged from the hospital, first-time parents should be required to take parenting classes.” This is obviously a very bold statement, the opposing party had this to say in response “as the mother of three, I speak with experience about raising children, and I strongly object to the idea that a random instructor knows my family and my circumstances better than I do” (Sophie Thomas). So on one side you have a nurse practitioner, with licensed training with examining toddlers, whom believes in required parent classes, and on the other you have an experienced mother of three who strongly opposes …show more content…

While I may be opposed to “required” parents classes, I don’t fail to see the importance of them. In addition, one could also argue that there are safety concerns with uneducated parents, and they too would be correct. Small things like how to put your baby to bed could literally be a matter of death, as well as parents with little to no knowledge on disciplining skills that can sometimes be too harsh, may have long term effects on their children. First-time parents will be facing many challenges true enough, but there are plenty of books and online articles to read, just search “parenting” and thousands of results will come up. First-time parents might also have family and friends to lean on in times of need, as well as many parenting classes, but as Thomas states, “the important thing is that these are all voluntary.” I agree with Sophie Thomas, that it should be a voluntary thing, plus, everybody’s circumstances are different and may call for different forms of

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