
Research : A Case Study Approach Essay

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Introduction to Research – A Case Study Approach
Introduction to research creates a blueprint of psychological research intended for undergraduates at a fundamental level. Moreover, it explains the foundation of psychological research, which is aimed at achieving four key objectives, which if applied to our career goals, will provide self-improvement and increase our marketability. The first three of these four objectives; describe, explain and predict, fall under basic research, while the last of the four; manipulation of emotions and mental constitution, fall under applied research (Crawford, 2016, p. 53). However, these objectives are accomplished through experimental and nonexperimental approaches, classified under two principal research methodologies; qualitative and quantitative. This paper describes the various concepts associated with research discussed in my Psychology class, Introduction to research. Nonetheless, unlike an argumentative paper, this paper is an expository which integrates the terms affiliated with basic and applied research to create one logical ensemble demonstrating my learning experience in this course.

Detailed Evaluation
Introduction to research teaches detailed evaluation by illustrating basic comprehension of research terms used in psychological research. Through persuasive research techniques, it demonstrates inductive and deductive reasoning in scientific theory, which in turn taught me the significance of detailed evaluation, or

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