
Research Paper On Aphrodite

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My greek goddess is Aphrodite.Aphrodite’s roman name is Venus and she is the goddess of love and beauty.One of the powers that she has is she can make people fall in love.Also she can make fighting couples fall in love again.Aphrodite is usally found in a desert place around mount olympus.

Aphrodite’s parents were Zeus and Dione.Aphrodite had a lot of siblings but here are a few,Ares,Athena,Apollo,Artemis,Dionysus,and 8 more.Aphrodite’s husband is Hephaestus.She was actually in love with her brother Ares.Aphrodite had many children but here are a few,Eros,Phobos,Deimos,Harmonia and 5 more.She has one step sister named Helen.She was born in a very wierd way,she appeared out of the foam of the sea,floating on a scallop shell to the island of Cyprus.She was born fully grown so she did not have a childhood.When she was an adult she won a contest because of her beauty known today as a beauty pageant.She was also believed to start the Trojan War.She sided with the Trojans. …show more content…

There is many different pictures of Aphrodite and her hair is different in every one of them but her hair was actually brown with a little bit of red.Aphrodite’s animal symbols were a swan and a dove.Some More of her symbols were a mirror,scallop shell, and an apple.One thing they celebrate about Aphrodite is they celebrate her a Greek

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