
Research Paper On The Eucharist

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There are many different beliefs, problems, and changes that occurred overtime in regards to the Eucharist.

People throughout the first century began worshipping God before the sun rose. The Christians would often hold these gatherings in someone's house. However, the location was frequently changed due to the occurrence of persecutions. During these services the people would read and interpret the scripture. Later, the president of the brethren would be presented with the bread and the wine mixed with water. He would take these gifts and offer glory and praise to god. These people believed that no one was allowed to share the Eucharist unless he or she fully believed in the teachings of the scripture. You were also considered unworthy …show more content…

He made it clear that everyone should stop making sacrifices to God, because in every place an honorable sacrifice will be made to Him. It doesn't make sense to acknowledge the Body of Christ and the Blood of Christ if they don't also realize that Jesus is the Son of God. If the Body was not saved, then neither was the Blood. According to St. Irenaeus the Body and the Blood consist of two parts- the earthly and elements of the Eucharist and the heavenly elements of the Eucharist. Once the bread and the blood are transformed into the Eucharist these two substances are considered gifts. By taking these two gifts, you are receiving the actual Body and Blood of the Lord, and your flesh becomes nurtured, and you are given eternal life. (St. …show more content…

It isn't until the priests blesses these that they become the Body and Blood. "Rightly then, do we believe that the bread consecrated by the word of God has been made over into the Body of God of the Word" (St. Gregory). When this miracle occurs, "the bread that was made over into that Body is made to change into divine strength" (St. Gregory). These two substances are worth so little before they have been blessed, because they are simply common bread and wine. According to St. Gregory the bread and wine receive a similar blessing as the men wanting to become priests do. The power of the Holy Spirit comes down in both of these instances to give a blessing. The man turns into a priest, while the bread and wine turn into the Body and Blood. (St.

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