
Responsibility Of The Teacher Support Team

Decent Essays

It is a responsibility of the Teacher Support Team to support student outcomes that are positive. The teacher support team also encourages the school 's goal to meet adequate yearly progress(AYP) for Mississippi. The parents will be informed when the TST process begins.The TST meets with the teacher that referred the student to examine the data that was collected during Tier 2 intervention.

"The following questions should be asked: Based on all existing data, which instructional variables (curricular, instructional, student, environment) can be hypothesized as potential areas for intervention? ,Has an intervention been designed based on the data collected and on the hypothesized variables? ,Has a data monitoring system been devised to track the student‘s rate of improvement and maintenance of skills? Who will develop and implement the intervention and monitor the student‘s progress?, How can the classroom teacher and/or other team member incorporate the strategy into the daily routine?” (Response to Intervention (RtI) Best Practices Handbook ,p.127).

According to the Mississippi Department of Education,The TST must start the development interventions for the student and implement them on the students. The TST has no later than eight weeks after this implementation to decide how much progress the student should show after interventions were applied. This will be the measurable goal for the student. A second review is done no later than 16 weeks to evaluate the

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