
Rhetorical Analysis: Crunch Time

Decent Essays

Eish Maheshwari, Christopher Giang, Rohan Kapoor, Ziqiao Wang Per: 3 English 9 Annotated Commercial Script Crunch Time Overview: This 30-second commercial takes place near a flight of stairs in a school hallway. A hooded man seeks Doritos and searches long and hard in order to find them. The man then spots a guard holding a bag of Doritos atop a flight of stairs and immediately sets his mind and body into getting the bag. The guard challenges the man to come get his Doritos, and is defeated as the man turns to the camera to give a cheesy one-liner. Purpose: The purpose of this commercial is to show that people will go through extreme and almost unfeasible actions just to get a bag of Doritos. People will do these insane things simply because Doritos are just that amazing. Target Audience: The target audience is the general public, but …show more content…

Almost everyone has been in a situation where they have fought for food with someone else. This usually arises from an immediate desire for that food which is being exhibited by the hooded man wanting Doritos at this moment. This fighting for food is quite a common occurrence so it really helps the viewer develop a more personal connection with what events are occurring within the commercial. With this, the audience is reminded about the arguments in their lives and has an opportunity to laugh about such foolish things. Fighting for food is a topic that generally has very comical natures in media portrayals, so this will add a nice comedic touch to our commercial and might make the viewers laugh. Because people of all age groups have these fights (mostly children), are target audience is clearly the general public (but may be more relatable to children in some situations).Overall, pathos is expressed through the relatable experience and inflicting a joyful mood within the

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