
Rhetorical Analysis Of The Last Sermon By Oscar Romero

Decent Essays

As Oscar Romero had said, “History will not fail; God sustains it.” In the speech The Last Sermon, Oscar Romero the Archbishop, is trying to get the men with more power to listen to what he has to say about the deaths they are casting upon the civilians. Oscar needs these men to obey the laws of god, otherwise they are ignoring higher authority. Archbishop romero uses Charged Words to persuade the government to stop killing the innocent population of El Salvador, they need to follow God’s law. “No soldier is obliged to obey an order contrary to the law of god. He is exaggerating his claim, to bring across a stronger point.To enhance his dilemma. “Pain from so much crime and the ignominy of so much violence.” This is another quote from his speech that consists of charged words so his point comes across stronger. Charged words are significant because they help enhance claims and helps with getting your audience’s attention. In Romero’s case he is trying to get the attention of much higher classes in power than he is, but he claims that God is the highest authority and that they are going against his laws. …show more content…

“The spokesman of Amnesty International said that the victims’ bodies characteristically appeared with the thumbs tied behind their backs.” Romero is using people that have a reputation and are well-known so his claim is more trustworthy. “I would like to make a special appeal to the men of the army, and specifically to the ranks of the National Guard, the Police and the military.” His audience knows who all of the people are stated in his speech. That way they understand his statement and he sounds more knowledgeable. Reputation is significant in his speech because the people trust what he is saying since they know the problem and the people who are causing it. It makes it easier for them to follow along to what he is

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