Park, H., & Katz, J. (2016, 09/11). Murder rates rose in more than a quarter of the nation's 100 largest cities, New York Times This article states that murders rates have gone up 25 percent last year according to the New York Times. The study led to a theory that the rise of crime was due to less aggressive police force due to recent protests. Dr. Richard Rosenfield who conducted the study refers to this as the Ferguson effect and stated that this hypothesis would need further evaluation. The cities where murder rates were on the rise followed a pattern in that the areas affected were either high in poverty, segregated, or demographic composition. For example Chicago is listed as having the highest murder rate according
As crime statistics rise in cities across the United States, people are left with the question: Why? While there are numerous theories, one of the most debated ideas has coined its name from the city of Ferguson, Missouri. The death of an unarmed black eighteen-year-old man named Michael Brown outraged the citizens of Ferguson; which is a predominantly black society on the north side of St. Louis. Other blacks involved in altercations with the police (that subsequently ended in their deaths) sparked even more unrest, generating rifts between local law enforcement agencies and citizens around the country. As a result of these rifts, violent protestors have bombarded Ferguson, attacking the city with an un-relentless
This year’s shootings has climbed by twenty percent from 2013, there have been nearly one hundred homicides involving guns so far this year. This is an upsurge from sixty nine during the same period in both 2013 and 2014.In. In New York city officials have blamed the upsurge of homicides on deadly conflicts between career criminals and blamed gang activity in Brooklyn and the Bronx. On the other hand what’s been happening in Baltimore is different. The number of homicides has doubled while shootings has climbed more than eighty percent, and the vast majority of experts say that it is at partially connected to a averseness by police officers to aggressively do their jobs. (Sanburn, 2015)During the year of 2013 the population in New York, NY was 8,396,126 and they had 335 reported homicides, while Baltimore, MD had a population of 622,671 people and 233 reported. (Crime in te Unied States 2013,
Figure 10.14: While comparing the Murder rate ratio between Chicago and other Large Cities has shown a gradual increase since 1990. Has the NRA influenced these numbers or are they not doing enough?
However, some criminologist state that these statistics reveal very little about the cause of the increase in violent crime. On the other hand there are some people such as Heather MacDonald author of “Are Cops Racist?”, in the Wall Street Journal who believe that “the most plausible explanation of the current surge in lawlessness is the intense agitation against American police departments over the past nine months” (Jonsson, 2015). There is a lot of back and forth debate of whether or not The Ferguson Effect is “thing”. Of course by accepting the “Ferguson effect” as a new theory of policing on would have to admit that police officers are no longer doing their jobs out of fear of public scrutiny. What is certain is that there has been a
Chicago is facing a serious problem. Over this year 's Fourth of July Weekend, eighty four people were shot resulting in fourteen deaths. After this violent weekend, Mayor Rahm Emmanuel nearly called for total martial law, calling upon United States Military 's support to help protect Chicago 's citizens and patrol Chicacgo 's streets. So far in 2015, over 2,300 people have been shot in the city of Chicago, and it is only a matter of days until the death toll surpasses four hundred on the year. There are a number of factors that contribute to this inflated level of violent crime. Some would point to loose gun restrictions, others to gang fragmentation. I believe the most influential factor leading to these high rates of crime in certain
One may avoid negativity for any kind of reason. One may be distressed by it, or perhaps one may find negativity traumatizing to their emotions. Whatever it may be, some people attempt to dodge any sort of negativity. The topic of my independent novel serves to not only challenge the idea of avoiding any kind of depressing news, but to bring light to new ways of thinking that humanity should adopt should we want to understand the roots of crime. Furthermore, we should use our knowledge of these roots to prevent crime.
This article goes through the disparities in races in comparison to violence. Statistically blacks are six times more likely to die by homicide than white people are (Robert J. Sampson, 2004). That is a significant gap between the two races. The rates of Latino’s have slowly been converging with the whites in more recent years. There are other studies that are based on police statistics that show disadvantaged communities have the highest violent crime rates.
Homicide rates were up at their highest in the Unites States and California prior to 1994. Around 1994, after the enactment of this law California and the United States showed a major decline in homicide. (Zimring, p.153)
In Phoenix, Arizona starting from 2005 through 2015 the criminal homicide numbers were slowly decreasing over the years. The highest homicide number occurred in 2006 which was 234, while the lowest homicide rate occurred in 2015 which was 113. The graph below graphically represents the homicides starting from 2005 through 2015. The homicides in Phoenix have been decreasing due to multiple factors. The first reason is due to efficient community policing. In the previous years, many people in minority communities didn’t feel as if the police were on their side due to tragic incidents such as the Rodney King beating. The Rodney King situation occurred in Los Angeles, CA but it had an impact nationwide. People in minority neighborhoods are not
In 2016, 17, 250 (4.5%) murders in the US compared to Houston’s 302 (12.9%) with a difference of 8.4% difference ("FBI Federal Crime Data," 2013-2016, p. 1). For the most part, three major cities pushing the national murder rate up higher than any other portion of the country is Baltimore (133 in 2015), Chicago (67 in 2015) and Houston (61 in 2015) ("US murder rate," 2016, p. 1). In comparison, these three cities are also at the top for aggravated assaults. The murder and aggravated assault rates are primarily gang and domestic issue related with gangs taking the front on the murder rate with gun violence. Guns are used more than 60% of the time used in the commission of these crimes.
Throughout the years, crime rates in Canada’s and the United States’ major cities have decreased drastically. Regardless of the many factors that lead to increasing crime rates, such as unemployment, or bad economic circumstances. This essay will examine the many factors leading to the exponential decline of crime rates in North America. This essay will demonstrate how unemployment and economic hardship does not always lead to higher crime rates, how the growing increase of new technology aided in the decrease in crime rates, and the result of government funded programs helping to reduce crime rate. These factors should be discussed because it illustrates the progress of the judicial system and federal government throughout the years and it shows that people most vulnerable to committing crimes may not always commit crime. Similarly, it shows that economic factors leading to crime in the past are not always the case due to positive behavioral changes throughout the years.
The United States has been a world leader in homicide for centuries. Indeed, “since the early 19th century ...[America has been] the most homicidal country in the Western world” and holds that title today (Kelley, 2009). In a 2007-2008 list of 31 nations, only two nations, Mexico and Chile, had higher homicide rates (Comparison, 2010). Nations with higher populations, such as India and China have fewer homicides (Comparison, 2010). Further, a nation such as Japan, which has a lower population but a higher population density then the United States, has one of the world’s lowest homicide rates (Comparison, 2010). Population size and density, therefore, cannot be the chief reasons for this nation’s higher homicide rates.
Crime is considered to be some breech or violation of behaviors which stand in opposition of rules or norms instituted by some governing body. Some actions are considered to be crimes throughout most societies in history; murder or physical abuse can serve as an example as an example. However, the majorities of things that are considered crimes are more of a subjective nature and vary widely in different societies. In many societies it is a crime to be an atheist or to be homosexual for example, while in other societies these items are tolerated and in some cases are considered social norms. Furthermore, when an individual is considered to have committed a crime, the punishments for these crimes also can vary widely depending on the culture, the social norms, the position of the authority figure, as well as a plethora of other factors. This paper will analyze some of the different forms of crime and they develop and how they are treated in different societies.
Murder is a form of violence that does more harm than just destruction of property but leads to a loss of life in the process, and that makes it more severe than other forms of violence that may just end at injuries to people or destruction of property (Staples 2014). The sociological approach to issues of murder in the city highlights how the society or the environment increases the cases of death or reduces them in a case where there are few cases of murder and how the revelation would relatively contribute in mitigating the cases of violence (Pratt and Godsey 2003). The trend in deaths across different cities including Philadelphia is a motivation that results from how the city operations are set and are functioning, the level of security
The effects of crime on victim can have a mixed feeling about making a victim impact statement. They may want to tell the judge or parole hearing officer how the crime affected their life and yet they may be anxious because you don't know how to prepare an impact statement or you don't want to bring back bad memories by describing how the crime has hurt you. The victim impact statements may include descriptions of: