
Risk, Crisis And Disaster Management

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HET 301A Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management Alexandra Murray Student Number: 00066337T APM College Katherine Hawes Risk refers to the probability of something occurring that will have an effect on objectives. Disaster refers to a sudden event that disrupts a community or society and causes human, material, and economic or environmental losses that exceed the community’s or society’s ability to cope using its own resources. (IRFC, 2015) Crisis, on the other hand, is any situation which has the prospective to shake long-term confidence in an institution or a product, or that may interfere with its capability to continue normally functioning. The tourism industry is mainly comprised of the airline, …show more content…

To help in mitigating some of the health risks, they obey certain health warnings in less developed countries such as Thailand and Mexico where drinking tap water is not advised. Tourists can also take part in some of the disaster preparedness practices like drills and trainings on evacuation processes. It has proved to be a very effective way of saving lives in a case of a disaster or crisis event happening in their respective accommodation areas.(Ritchie, 2008). Many tourists on holidays have proved that the use of safety material put in place by hotels has been effective. Again with the example of Thailand, most hotels will warn guests by supplying notices in rooms advising not to drink tap water at any costs and provide bottled water for guests to prevent them from becoming sick. Practices such as this have reduced various risks to tourist health like serious illness in a foreign country. It has additionally helped in a reduction in the consumption of unsafe foods and drinks which could be detrimental to their health (Ritchie, 2008). CADD Emirates has ditched the electronic key access and adopted biometric registration allowing guests to use their fingerprints to enter rooms by placing their fingers on a device. The theory is that their biometric data will be easily recognizable across other locations simplifying check in. (Trader, 2012). This system has eased the work of hotels personnel when identifying visitors, and this has been effective in

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