
Risk Is An Unspoken Meaning

Decent Essays

At risk has an unspoken meaning. At risk is synonymous with at-risk-youth in Western Culture. At risk is a phrase used in human services, the media, academia and government to identify young people who are troubling or on the fringe of risky behavior. If you do a Google search of the phrase at risk over 13 million images will appear most of which are of young people. Risk Discourse creates a risk society in response to specific populations being on the fringe of what is deemed “normal” within society. Risk discourse is a popular modernity term written at length by Modernist such as Ulrich Beck and Anthony Giddens European Sociologists. A Risk Society was not even a term until the 1980s. In the 1990s Risk Society became popular and it acceptance coincided with the infiltration of Risk Discourse into sociology, politics, literature and academia. There is an ongoing debate as to whether environmental concerns created a vacuum for a risk society or if it was a by-product of immigration and the War on Drugs. Either way Risk Discourse and risk society language terms are here to stay. Peter Kelly poses a question asking if young people are a society’s most precious resource then what does society need to do to adequately utilize this resource. He separates young people into categories of income, young people are exposed to high-risk setting more frequently than high income youths. Peter Kelly makes this separation to demonstrate there is inadequate research available on young

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