
Risks Faced By The Trucking Company 4

Better Essays


STUDENT ID: S0273759

Executive Summary 1
Introduction 2
Risks faced by the trucking company 4
The blue collar unions 5
References 6

Executive Summary

In any organization the main managerial activities consist of planning, organizing, staffing, directing supervision, coordination and task management essentially on the part of the part of the managerial heads so as to achieve managerial goals effectively and efficiently, which is called the organizational structure. In today’s organizational structures, managers play a very vital role in the achievement of goals of the organization. It is extremely important to note that in all organizational structures the opinions and the needs of employees are to given much attention.
The nature of employee relations in any organization has a lot to do with the managers of the firm, taking into consideration the extent of their views in shaping the structure of the organization they work in. When it comes to analysing the employee relations and the need of its betterment, it is most important to pay attention towards the human resource management which to make sure that the staff in the firm is satisfied with the present working conditions and has a reasonable standard of living so as to contribute effectively towards the set targets of the firm. It has a lot to do with the policy standards, basic framework and system in an

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