
Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Research Paper

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Music means different things for different people, for me personally it means an escape from the real world, from the things that weigh on my mind, from my daily struggles. Music has always been something I’ve always enjoyed and know the most about since I was a young. Music in general is something I find interesting; the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Museum is also what I believe to be a very important part of the music world. The history of The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Museum also plays an important role in music. The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Museum is in Cleveland Ohio, on the shore of Lake Erie. The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Museum was built with money raised by The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame foundation that was started in 1983. The foundation had not decided on a city to put the Museum in. Above all the cities that had petitioned for the museum to be built there, it was Cleveland that won with more than 600,000 signatures on the petition. Not only did Cleveland have a very big fan support it is also the home of the radio man who came up with the phrase of Rock and Roll Alan Freed. The museum was opened on the 2nd of September in 1995. …show more content…

Pei. The Museum cover all aspects of Rock & Roll, the museum also honors the inductees of the Hall of Fame. There are four categories that people are separated into in the museum. The four categories are Performers, Non- Performers, Early Influences, and Side-Men. There are certain conditions that contribute to being added into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. A person must be somehow affiliated to Rock & Roll the person doesn’t have to be a singer or musician. One other condition for being added to the museum is that if a person is a performer they can only be elidable for admission after their first album has been out for 25

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