
Rocky Mountain Protective Services Case Summary

Decent Essays

-Rocky Mountain Protective Service LLC is small veteran owned company based out Colorado Springs, Colorado. The company president/owner is Karl Dent who has over 12 years’ experience in security, military, and law enforcement. The company was created by Karl Dent after serving in the military to ensure the protection of property, assets and people. His passion to safeguard the wellbeing of other has embodied the company values and mission.
Why the Company Is Seeking to Restructure:
-Just like most companies Rocky Mountain Protective Service LLC started its lifecycle out normal from inception to maturity; there where some roadblocks along the way however the company adapted and learned from the experiences. Even with those roadblocks the company historically has had profitable margins, however now there been an extended period there has been shrinking the margins. Karl Dent has reported that when doing auditing the cost of goods sold, salary to revenue ratio, and overall expenses are impacting the operating income leading it to shrink into the danger zone. The company has also seen an increase in both employee and customer turnover which is leading to a decline in low workplace morale. If customers start leaving the it probably means they are no longer satisfied with your products or …show more content…

Rocky Mountain Protective Service LLC needs to attract the customers away from the competition along with increasing the frequency of use of current customer without it impact the mission of the company. Currently, the company offers services only directed at other veteran owned companies; the goal is to expand products/services to include other small business owners by the end of

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