
Role Of Exercise And Movement Of Learning Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Role of Exercise and Movement in Learning

I. Introduction a. The overall topic that I am writing about is the “Role of Exercise and Movement in Learning ”. This is very important to the field of physical education because this will show people just how vital physical education classes are. Physical educators know all the great things that physical education provides for students, however, that is not the mindset of the people in suits making decisions. Physical education is not a subject that is tested with a standardized test so it is overlooked and disregarded. Bringing to light the idea that exercise and movement can boost learning not only helps physical education but also education as a whole. I am interested in this topic because I want people to know how important physical education is. Physical education is not just a time to take a break from the classroom and learning, it’s a time to learn in a different and fun way, while students are being physically active. Another reason I am interested is because as a future physical educator it is imperative that I know the best way to enhance my students learning. b. The central theme of all the research questions and findings is that all aim to prove exercise and movement play a positive role in learning. The literature helps to break down a very broad idea and give it meaning and actual application. Knowing that exercise and movement can enhance learning is one thing, but knowing how to make that work in a

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