
The Importance Of Health And Physical Education

Decent Essays

Health and Physical Education is a mandatory learning area in the school curriculum which provides opportunities for all students to live healthy and active lifestyles. Schools are recognised as primary settings for developing health-related knowledge and skills. Health and physical education supports students to enhance their own and others’ health. HPE is a learning area of Australian curriculum through which students can make healthier choices. It focuses explicitly on developing movement skills and encourage students to participate in range of physical activities. Therefore, Health and Physical Education is a vital learning area in the school curriculum.
Health and Physical Education provides learning opportunities for students to make meaning of and apply the knowledge and skills related to health and movement. They learn movement skills through physical education. These skills enable them to develop personal, interpersonal, behavioural, cognitive and social skills. Movement skills also encourage students for ongoing participation across their lifespan which leads to positive health outcomes (Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2012). According to UNESCO (1999), learning to move and enjoying the freedom of movement is a human right (as cited in ACARA, 2012). HPE promotes movement skills which are important part of daily life to enhance active living. The content of curriculum focuses on developing knowledge and understanding about how body moves

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