
Roles Of Mass Media

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Mass media Mass media is the way of communication to provide the information and technology and news, mass media means technology it is reached in form of audio and video and also in the hard copy the most common way the newspaper, magazines, radio, internet, and television now a days the internet is the most powerful way of the mass media communication it is providing now a day social news and politically but we know well newspaper is also most of the way to provide the information to every person because more than person live village so some of the villages don't have internet connection so there is only newspaper is the way of mass media So the mass media have important role in every field but we are discussing here mass media roll in health care and higher education these two field are very important for every human now a days we are growing very fast like that more European country and American country has developed his country people well educated and well smart for every work but we should know that how they developed they were before 50 years same in position compare to Asian and African country so the main role was for awareness the every people of mass media nowadays in our life mass media always play good role because it always take the minimum time for providing information to each other Smartwatch, radio, a mobile phone such as like that Samsung and apple cell phone and news website —contribute to the way of the media in daily life. in now days we are seeing

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