
Roles Of Music In Africa

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The music of Africa varies so much because the continent's many regions, nations, and groups. “The African continent comprises approximately 20 percent of the world's land mass and has a population of roughly 934 million” (Music of Africa). African music differs as its cultures have branched out into many native forms as well as the huge influence of foreign music and instruments, making Africa one of the most musically unique continents in the world. Although there are many different types of music in Africa, there are a bunch of common elements to music between groups, especially within regions. “The concept of music in Africa, especially in sub-Saharan Africa bears a difference from other regions and cultures” (Music in Africa). The roles of music and dance are intertwined in Africa and music is involved in every aspect of life, expressing their stories and lives through the music and sounds. By helping mark the most important moments in their lives, music helps to show their thoughts on how important the value of human life is to them. African music also helps to connect people together in a variety of ways, bringing together separate communities, which in turn helps people to support each other and both communities toward mutual health and prosperous lives. Another huge role of music in Africa is as a way of communicating. “Talking drums, signal drums, songs, and the sagas of the historian griots each communicate different types of important information” (Music of

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