
Roles and Responsibilities and Boundaries of a Teacher Essay

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Roles and responsibilities and boundaries of a teacher This assignment is aimed to highlight the Roles and responsibilities of a teacher and the importance for a teacher to be aware of the legal aspects of teaching inclusively and to follow all current legislation and codes using the teaching/training cycle, a cycle of assessment, planning and review/evaluating. The Equal Act 2010 legislation is a legal requirement and code of practice to be adhered. This piece of legislation is to ensure that all students are treated equally. As a teacher the ability to understand all students have different learning perceptions and understanding. This would be identified in an initial assessment of students which would continue, reassessing their …show more content…

This is also part of inclusive teaching ensuring all the learners are individually receiving the correct materials and information adapted inclusively. Research shows ‘that individuals have to gain through learning collaboratively in appropriately structured and conducted groups’. J. Smith and A Spurling (1999:44). Assessing and evaluating the needs of individual learners helps with facilitating quality, inclusive and diverse teaching. This is an important aspect of teaching. A professional boundary between teachers and other professional roles, ie social services and admin staff, needs to be in place in any establishment. Without basic set boundaries, individuals may misunderstand or misinterpret a situation. Boundaries are also an element of safe guarding. For example a teacher should not interfere in a student’s private life unless invited. If a student confides in a teacher, the teacher must remain professional and not become over familiar or opinionated. A teacher must remember that students are students and not ‘friends’. Another important aspect of boundaries is to remember when working, especially with vulnerable students or of the opposite sex, to be aware that teacher and students are not alone in an isolated classroom. Another example would be that teachers do not give students rides in your car or give out personal telephone numbers. If a student

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