
Roman Religion Vs Greek Religion

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Religion is the belief and worship of a God or gods. “The study of a religion’s history includes the study of the history of those who put it together with their spiritual and ethical experiences”(Adkins). Some of Persia’s old religion still exist in small isolated islands and India. In India the religion is called Parsiism. The Roman religions consist of many gods, including Jupiter, Neptune, Juno, Pluto, Mars, Venus, and many others. Some practices that the greeks do for the gods is animals sacrifices, temples, myths, and sport competitions. There are many similarities and differences in the religion of Greece, Rome, and Persia during the Middle Ages. In recent times Zoroastrianism has played a big part is rebelling the religion and the …show more content…

The Greek religion really had no word for itself. Although the earliest we have connections to where the Greeks religion set back is before homer. After they created their own language, it added on knowledge to other Areas (Bowra). The Greeks believed in the same gods the Romans did but they gave them different names. The Greeks believed in these gods because they thought that everything good that happened was a blessing from the gods, but everything bad that would happen was the gods striking down on them because they did something wrong. In the Greek imagination, the gods were given human bodies and characters, good and bad, just as regular people they married and their children had fought. The ancient Greeks worshipped many gods. Each god had a different personality, domain, and name. Greek myths explained the origins of the gods and their relations with mankind. “Ancient Greek religious practice, essentially conservative in nature, was based on time-honored observances, many rooted in the Bronze Age (3000–1050 B.C.), or even earlier” (Greek Gods). The relationships between the gods and the human were based on the basic concept of enchanting gifts. The central ritual act in ancient Greece was animal sacrifice of many animals, mainly oxen and sheep. Sacrifices took place within the sanctuary, usually at an altar in front of the temple. Liquid offerings, were also commonly made. Overall the Greek religion was mainly based upon like twenty gods, they were both good and evil. The Greek religion has been lost for a long time, but there are still some festivals that celebrate it. There is only one thing that is still tradition from the religions and it is the

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