
Rsmt Task 1

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RSMT Task 1 Role Development for Advanced Nursing Practice SMT2 Dr. Laura Bevis December 5, 2012 RSMT Task 1 A1. The nursing profession has evolved significantly over the decades. One of the factors that have greatly influenced these changes has been the involvement of nurses in the development of theories and data base needed to support the advancement of our profession. In the last half of the twentieth century, nurse researchers (1950s) and nurse theorists (1960s and 1970s) greatly contributed to the expanding body of nursing knowledge with their studies of nursing practice and the development of nursing models and theories (American Nurses Association, 2010, p. 16). Like in any other research activity, a special set of …show more content…

Nurses’ involvement in policy debates brings our professional values to bear on the process. (Warner, 2003) The Master’s prepared nurse’s goal as an advocate should be to fight to enhance the client’s wellbeing in every possible way, at every available opportunity. This can be achieved by being part of organization that advocate for patients’ right as well as for better working condition for our colleagues. Also, nurses could choose to get involved in politics or lobby on behalf of other nurses. A5. The experience, training and formal education should give the Master’s prepared nurse an exceptional ability to balance helping the patient obtain the physical and psychosocial care needed. Nurses manage a healthcare consumer’s care in order to maximize independence and quality of life (American Nurses Association, 2010, p. 40). At the same time the client or family often require assistance navigating a system that has sometimes physical as well as logistical or economic barriers. Be it as a case manager or as an asset in any unit; the Master’s prepared nurse should be able to utilize the systems to ensure the patient is provided with the best care possible and the best achievable outcomes within the limitations of available resources. A6. Before becoming a nurse I did not have an idea of how big of a variety of roles a nurse can have. One role that really surprised me was that of a consultant. A Master’s prepared nurse role as a consultant

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