When people talk about exercise, there is one main workout that most people have done in their life. That exercise is running. For some, running isn’t just a way to go out and get healthy, running can be a way for people to escape the stressful lives they live in and go out and explore the world on the endless trail running has to offer. While most people think this, some have a different opinion on the topic. Some feel as though running is not healthy for you at all in the long run, and that it can cause some serious health effects to your body in the long run. However, after getting the facts from both sides of the argument, anyone will agree that running will benefit your health in the long run physically and mentally. For those who enjoy running, they say that there is a lot of evidence to support the fact that running not only affects you physically, but it helps you …show more content…
What’s more, scientists have shown that running also vastly improves the quality of your emotional and mental life, and even helps you live longer” (Van Allen). Running not only keeps you in shape but it can keep you from getting serious health problems later in life. Most importantly, it can better improve the chance of you living longer in life. For many this would be a situation where you wouldn’t even have to think twice about whether or not to start running long distances every day for the rest of your life. Some people have one goal in life, and that is to live as long as possible however that may be. Of course there will never be a for sure way to protect you from disease or anything else that can kill you, but why not try something fun that is good. At the same time it will give you a better chance at survival in the long
In the article by Gretchen Reynolds, Gretchen talks about how by just running an hour a day you are adding on seven hours to your life. Running is the best exercise you can do to improve your life expectancy. It doesn’t matter if you are a slow runner or you smoke and drink, you can still add up to three years to your life by taking the time to get outside and run. Research was done to prove this point. A study was conducted at the Cooper Institute in Dallas. Researchers found that even as little as five minutes of running a day could increase your lifespan. Of course running does not make you immortal but it does benefit your health in other ways as well. Running involves many parts of our bodies. The muscles in your
Running is a metal sport, no doubt. Training and preparing, also plays a pivotal role in a runner's ability, but can be deemed worthless without a strong mental game. I run cross country and
As the infamous Elle Woods once stated: “Exercise produces endorphins, endorphins make you happy, happy people don't kill people, they just don’t.” While this humorous quote is littered with circular reasoning, there is truth behind this statement. Exercise does produce endorphins and endorphins do make you happy. Endorphins are chemicals that are released from a person’s body when they exercise. They interact predominantly with cell receptors found in the region of the brain that controls pain and emotion. This is the science behind the phenomenon called “runner’s high” Runner’s high is the feeling of euphoria that a runner may experience during or after a run. But running does not just produce short-term relief, many studies show that
The running phenomenon has blended into society in many different aspects of our lives. This does not only include track and field, but also cross country, road-racing, and jogging for health and leisure. Many Americans make running an essential part of their day. Running is not only good for your heart and lungs, but it is very beneficial for relieving stress, keeping your metabolism high, and keeping you trim and muscular. Another expanding characteristic of running is using it as a social experience. It is a part of people’s routine to meet with friends and to catch up with one another.
In the article “Extreme Distance Running: Too Much of a Good Thing? (2012)”, Erin Allday discusses the benefits and the drawbacks of extreme running on the human body. With increasing popularity of long distance running, the side effects of extreme running have caused sport experts’ and scientists’ attention. Although death happens rarely during running, Allday declares that runners are likely to hurt themselves if they do run too hard. Then Allday cite Dr. Matt DeVane, who comes from the American Heart Association and points out that moderate running is good enough to keep healthy, otherwise, injuries will take a runner back to the “ground zero”. With regard to couch potato who
There are many benefits to running both mental and physical. One might wonder what can running possibly have to do with mental status and ability. Well running affects your cognitive abilities along with emotional and volitional responses in a number of ways. Running has been referred as one of the best stress relieving exercises. It helps in other many other ways, the first of which is that running can quite literally make you happier.
“According to the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, more than 70 percent of runners will experience injury” (Cespedes 3). In our world today, running has been one of the go to exercises to lose weight. It is an enjoyable way to exercise, and is a natural stress reliever. Running can change your lifestyle and force you to adapt to certain physically intense situations. This includes the body’s reaction to stress, and a variety of other effects that come with running regularly. Running has a plethora of health benefits that include a prolonged life and immunity to various diseases. This activity is the fastest way to burn fat, and can be easy to perform if
Erin Allday, in “Extreme Distance Running: Too Much of a Good thing?”, explores whether running for long distance is beneficial for human health or detrimental to cardiovascular health. It is generally admitted that running has many advantages to human body, such as making the body strong, fighting heart disease, or decreasing aging process. Just like Joanna Reuland, a famous marathoner who runs 100 miles a week, increasing number of running-lovers proves that long distance running becomes more and more welcoming. Allday cites Dr. Todd Weitzenberg, a chief of sports medicine, who says that multiple research have proved that running is healthful to human body and “no one is seriously arguing the average marathoner is less healthy than the average couch potato”. Though it is true that running can bring benefits, one essential point is being left out.
Many people run because they are training for a sport or they enjoy the feeling of running. Although many people enjoy running as a hobby, there are many physical and mental benefits to running. There are also many ways to improve your running skills.
I play sports so I can run and because I like them. I run up and down my dirt road. I love to run around our yard and house. I’m the only person in my family that likes to run. In every sport that I’ve been in I need to run.
Would you rather be sad and depressed or happy and healthy?. Most people would choose happy and healthy and running can help you with that. According to “Janos” from her article “5 Reasons Running Makes You Happier” It states that “running gets you in better shape and helps you feel stronger which can help you handle problems
The central idea of my speech is running is a positive way to better health, and there are many opportunities to run in races.
Moving from one place to another is a necessity for almost every living organism. Whether it be sliding, walking, jumping, crawling, or flying, movement is bound to happen sometime. Humans like to move from place to place quickly without doing any work. Since running is work, humans generally avoid it if possible. There tends to be some unfavorable expression like a grimace or a sigh accompanying the quote, “I think I have to go running.” Although hated among many people throughout the world, the positive sides of running can be enough to turn the lazy into the hardworking. Running is an excellent choice for physical and mental enhancement because it keeps one active, relieves stress, and is a good self-esteem booster.
Although there are some negatives with running, there are also many positives. Many people run because of the health reasons. It is good for the heart and lungs and people run in the fresh air. Running outside rather than inside is good for you too because of the fresh air. Running also relieves tension, by running, people can think about their problems without having to worry about anyone hearing them. They can think about whatever
Running has become a therapy for me. Whether to relieve stress or simply challenge myself to run, I eagerly chase my running goals. Like the careful planning and preparation of my diet and training, running in many ways has mirrored my path to medical school.