
Running Argumentative Analysis

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When people talk about exercise, there is one main workout that most people have done in their life. That exercise is running. For some, running isn’t just a way to go out and get healthy, running can be a way for people to escape the stressful lives they live in and go out and explore the world on the endless trail running has to offer. While most people think this, some have a different opinion on the topic. Some feel as though running is not healthy for you at all in the long run, and that it can cause some serious health effects to your body in the long run. However, after getting the facts from both sides of the argument, anyone will agree that running will benefit your health in the long run physically and mentally. For those who enjoy running, they say that there is a lot of evidence to support the fact that running not only affects you physically, but it helps you …show more content…

What’s more, scientists have shown that running also vastly improves the quality of your emotional and mental life, and even helps you live longer” (Van Allen). Running not only keeps you in shape but it can keep you from getting serious health problems later in life. Most importantly, it can better improve the chance of you living longer in life. For many this would be a situation where you wouldn’t even have to think twice about whether or not to start running long distances every day for the rest of your life. Some people have one goal in life, and that is to live as long as possible however that may be. Of course there will never be a for sure way to protect you from disease or anything else that can kill you, but why not try something fun that is good. At the same time it will give you a better chance at survival in the long

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